East End Boys, Stellar Highway Gallery, Brooklyn, NY (solo)
Slices, Mepaintsme.com, virtual exhibit
Abyssal Plain, Guttrbox Gallery, Winston-Salem, NC
Bosque Sin Carretera, curated by Ivan Sette, Twin Gallery, Madrid, Spain
Arabella and Anita, curated by The Sphinx, Catskill Octogon House, Upstate Art Weekend, Catskill, NY
Slight of Hand, Mepaintsme.com, virtual exhibit
January Selections for Platform in partnership with David Zwirner Gallery & Turley Gallery, virtual exhibit
Artist/Curator, ProjectGalleryv.com, virtual exhibit
Furrow, My Pet Ram, NYC
Florescence, Turley Gallery, Hudson, NY
Drawing Wow 3, Minus Offspace, Vienna, Austria
After Dark, Mepaintsme.com, virtual exhibit
King’s Quest IV: Sleepless Knights, Spring Break Art Show, LA
An Arcane Grace curated by Chris Lucius, Peep Projects, Philadelphia, PA
Regnum Lúminis, curated by Domenico de Chirico, Eve Leibe Gallery, London, UK
For the Many, Not the Few, Guts Gallery, London, UK
Scatter Terrain curated by Ejecta Projects, University of North Carolina, NC
Mazes and Maps, curated by Andrew Wodzianski, Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, Hyattsville, MD
HC SVNT DRACONES, curated by Chris Lynn, Spring Break Art Show w/ Amanda Smith, LA
Flatfile: 2020, Ortega Y Gasset Projects, Brooklyn, NY
Bountiful, Honey Ramka Gallery, Brooklyn, NY (solo)
Concentrated, Galerie Manqué, Brooklyn, NY
GIFC at The Hole, NYC
Abstraction is just a word, but I use it, curated by Jared Steffensen, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, UT
Communion, curated by Justin Nelson, Quaid Gallery, Tampa, FL
Exit Next Nexus, curated by Cal Sinadinovic, M2 Gallery, Sidney, Australia
Menage/rie Unfolded, curated by Andrew Woolbright, SRO Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Casey Jex Smith / Jason Holley / Maxwell McMaster, Nucleus Portland, Portaland, OR
Priestcraft, Salt Lake Film Society through CUAC, SLC, UT (solo)
Periscope, curated by Jimmy Viera, Able Baker Contemporary, Portland, ME
Geo Necro, ADA Gallery, Richmond, VA
New American Paintings: Midwest Edition, Elmhurst Art Museum, Elmhurst, IL
Monstalgia, curated by Kev Nemelka, Harry Wood Gallery, Arizona State University, Tempe, AR
Wars and Rumors of Wars, Writ & Vision, Provo, UT (solo)
The Flat File: Year 3, Tiger Strikes Asteroid, Brooklyn, NY
Big Heads, Heroes, and Dancing Dogs, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX
Ducks, curated by Ryan Travis Christian, Greenpoint Terminal Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
Glimmerguts, Casey Jex Smith & Ryan Browning, Gallery Protocol, Gainesville, FL (two-person)
Thirteen Twenty Three Exhibition, 964 Dean Street, Brooklyn, NY
Utah Biennial: Mondo Utah, Utah Museum of Contemporary Art, Salt Lake City, Utah
Fiend in the Void, Allegra LaViola Gallery, NYC (solo)
Strange Lands, curated by Christopher Daniels, Cindy Rucker Gallery, NYC
Secret Decoder Ring, curated by Adam Bateman, HPGRP Gallery, NYC
Where My Cones At?, curated by Ryan Travis Christian, Double Break, San Diego, CA
Black Foliage, curated by Matthew Craven, Nudashank, Baltimore, MD
Doomslangers: A Project by Casey Jex Smith, Allegra Laviola Gallery, NYC (solo)
Casey Jex Smith, John Casey, Galerie Polaris, Paris, France (two-person)
Weight Perception, curated by Andrew Schoultz, Guerrero Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Gird Your Elves, and Be Broken in Pieces, LaViolaBank Gallery, NYC (solo)
Take the A Train, Galerie Polaris, Paris, France
Summer Salon, LaViolaBank Gallery, NYC
Selections Spring 2008, The Drawing Center, NYC
The Brand New Deal, Caren Golden Fine Art, NYC
The Exquisite Line, Sherman Gallery, Boston University, Boston, MA
microwave 6, Josée Bienvenu Gallery, NYC
Close Calls, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA
West, Wester, Westest, curated by Ryan Travis Christian, Fecal Face Dot Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Surreal Naivete, M.Y. Art Prospects, NYC
Materials Unorganized, Swarm Gallery, Oakland, CA (solo)
That Day and That Night and That Day, The Lab, San Francisco, CA (solo)
There Is No End to Matter, Swarm Gallery, Oakland, CA (solo)
Bliss, Roberts & Tilton, Los Angeles, CA
The Total Power of Such a Signal Is Infinite, Okay Mountain, Austin, TX
Three Solo Shows, ADA Gallery, Richmond, VA
East Side Story, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA
Utopia, 111 Minna Gallery, San Francisco, CA
New Work, Central Utah Art Center, Ephraim, UT (solo)
Pacific Lines, Yancey Richardson Gallery, NYC
Lobot Retrospective, Lobot Gallery, Oakland, CA
Paper!Awesome!, curated by Brion Nuda Rosch, Pigman Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Minute: a boxed set of miniature multiples, Artists Space, NYC
Plant Magick, Taschen, Editor & Author Jessica Hundley
Spring/Break 2022 Breakdown by Lorraine Heitzman, Art & Cake LA, March 8
Celebrating the art of the game with unexpected delights by Mark Jenkins, The Washington Post, July 2
Art Maze Magazine, Summer Issue #13
Hits and misses in Able Baker’s ‘Periscope’ by Daniel Kany, Portland Press Herald
The Conversation Podcast with Michael Shaw, Episode #172
The 11th Annual Drawing Annual, Manifest Press Publications, 3rd Place
Fantasy Meets Art, rvamag.com, June 6
New American Paintings, Midwest Edition
15bytes.com, This I Believe: Casey Jex Smith at Writ & Vision by Geoff Wichert
Wowhuh.com, Casey Jex Smith: A Video Interview by Patrick Gantert
Art Review Magazine, Casey Jex Smith: Fiend in the Void by Brienne Walsh, Dec.
Art Critical, The Review Panel at the National Academy Museum, Oct. 26
Bloomberg.com, Bearded Romney, Wizard Obama, Voters Star in Art Shows, Oct. 29
ElPais.com, El arte entra en la campana de EE UU by Andrea Aguilar, Oct. 20
NY Daily News, Mock 2012 presidential election showdown to be decided D&D style
Wired.com, Obama vs. Romney D&D Smack-Down at NYC Gallery by Ethan Gilsdorf
Artinfo.com, Artist Casey Jex Smith Offers His Vote as Prize by Julia Helperin, Oct. 5
Huffingtonpost.com, Mitt Roney’s ‘Dungeons & Dragons’ Makeover by Priscilla Frank
Examiner.com, Dungeons & Dragons in Contemporary Art by Michael Tresca, March 10
Juxtapoz.com, Casey Jex Smith and the Mormon Church, May 13
Rhizome.org, Big Reality by Brian Droitcour, Mar. 23
Salon.com, How “Dungeons & Dragons” changed my life, Mar. 8
East Bay Express, Double Dare at Swarm Gallery by Dewitt Chang, Jan. 5
Thelowdownny.com, Dungeons & Dragons in an LES Gallery by Ashlie Coton, Oct. 27
Artnet.com.fr, Parcours Marais Dessin by Joel Riff, March 25
Paris-art.com, Casey Jex Smith et John Casey by Marie-Jeanne Caprasse, April
Beautifuldecay.com, Casey Jex Smith by Brendan Monroe, Jan. 5
Ereview.org, Reverse Subliminal Messaging by Jessica Brier, March 2
Le Journal des Art, Le Paris du dessin by Roxana Azimi, #299, March
Artloversnewyork.com, Casey Jex Smith/LaViola Bank opens tonight by Nancy Smith
Mankind Magazine, Interview by Erin Loechner, Issue 7
Artweek, Casey Jex Smith - Materials Unorganized at Swarm Gallery by Jakki Spicer
Boston Globe, Story Line by Cate McQuaid, October
Chelsea Now, Drawing the Invisible by Debra Jenks, Volume 2, #25, March
Rhizome.org, Drawn Out Processes by Marisa Olson, July
Time Out Chicago, Casey Jex Smith by Lauren Weinberg, Issue 175, July
Dare Magazin, Issue #2
Artweek, Upcoming Exhibitions, April
Empty Magazine, Casey Jex Smith: Christ! That’s Good by Colin Delaney, Issue #10
East Bay Express, 200 Second Street by Jakki Spicer, June
San Francisco Bay Guardian, The There There by Max Goldberg, Dec. 12
Marginal, There is No End to Matter by Petra Bibeau, Issue #2, June/July
San Francisco Chronicle, Played Backward or Forward by Kenneth Baker, Dec.
San Francisco Bay Guardian, 5ives by Katie Kurtz, July
Fecalface.com, Interview by Chris Pew, July
15bytes.com, Sexual Dimorphism & the Sacred Profane by Geoff Wichert, Feb.
Zyzzyva, Issue #74
Neomu, Issues #7 and #8
MFA, San Francisco Art Institute
BFA, Brigham Young University
University of Illinois, Summer Micro-Residency Program for Art Educators
Headlands Center for the Arts, Affiliate Artist Program, Sausalito, CA
Marie Walsh Sharpe Foundation Summer Seminar